Friday, February 23, 2018

Anxiety vs. Addiction: My Story (Part Two)

Anxiety vs. Addiction: My Story (Part Two):  So i was always easily influenced by movies that had the bad boy in it. The Breakfast club was one of them. I started being the class clown...

My Story (Part Two)

 So i was always easily influenced by movies that had the bad boy in it. The Breakfast club was one of them. I started being the class clown and everyone thought I was the shit...except for the teachers and the Dean. I went to school during the time when it was OK to receive swats for punishment and believe me,I got plenty of them. I started getting detention,suspension and what ever else for my behavior and or smoking on premise.
 Marijuana was introduced to me around this time and of course I was eager to see what that was like. I loved it. It became a habit and anyone who says it's not a gateway,then they're in outer space. In my next post I will reveal how the gateway opened up for me.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Anxiety vs. Addiction: My Story

Anxiety vs. Addiction: My Story:  I would like to start with my story and give you an idea how most of these things start.I was 11 years old and like every child and teen,I ...

My Story

 I would like to start with my story and give you an idea how most of these things start.I was 11 years old and like every child and teen,I gave into peer pressure.I had a friend from school who was a cigarette smoker and offered me one.That was the worst thing I ever did.In fact I still smoke to this day 30 years later.This is the start of my battle with addiction and anxiety.

Products on this page for pain and anxiety relief.

  Hello my friends its been a while. Just wanted to let everyone know that I have a podcast on podbean now. Its anxietyvsaddiction so you sh...